VReduMED Mid-term Event | Győr, Hungary

2024.07.09 00:00

Join us at our hybrid Mid-term Event and meet our consortium members! Get hands-on and try out the VR solutions presented on site, or follow our presentations via YouTube live stream!


Date | 9 July 2024
Location | Széchenyi István University, Győr, Hungary


“We combine the world of virtual reality and healthcare” Be part of the VR experience!




Find out more about:

• The challenges and good practices of Central European stakeholders
• VReduMED Care Education Forum’s work and how to join
• Our pilot programme and the prototypes of VR apps that will be

  developed by the partners
• The VR Lab Programme
• And last but not least, our Train-The-Trainer Programme



You will find the YouTube Live Stream link here on the day of the event!

Please follow our event site for the agenda and more detailed information!

You can register at the following link: